Astrology Journeys

Horoscope reading, Prediction, Palm reading, Numerology, Gem Stone, Mantras, Reiki, Meditation & astrology article,রাশিফল, জন্ম ছক বিশ্লেষণ, রত্ন, মন্ত্র,রেইকি, ধ্যান।


রবিবার, ২১ জুলাই, ২০১৯


My Astrology Journey

From my childhood I am very interested about Astrology. When I was just 12-13 years old, my private teacher predict my future by my palm reading. He predicted my past, present & future accurately.But I was then not interested about Astrology.I only believe in science.After my teacher's predictions, I felt there is something in Astrology. Then I bought lots of Astrology books and spiritual books.I felt Astrology is a science.I was reading astrology books after completing my study everyday.I used to spend my free time with our local astrologer.After completed my college,I completed astrology course from astrology college.Being A science student I believe in astrology.

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